Protect You & Your Family

Unfortunately, we’re never fully certain of what life has in store.

Financially protecting yourself and your loved ones provides instant peace of mind should your circumstances change for the worse. There is nothing worse than being left with a financial burden which is why we offer bespoke packages to cover you and/or your family.

What is Protection?

There are many forms of protection policies you can explore. At Marvel we are committed to finding the right protection policies for your needs.

Helping you to protect what matters most.

See below the types of cover we can arrange.

Life Insurance

This element of protection will protect you if you were unfortunate to die during the policy term.

This type of policy will pay out a tax free lumpsum which can be put in place to make sure all types of debts are covered and paid off if the worst did happen leaving your family with no financial

If you have nothing in place and wish to find out more get in touch for your free consultation.

Critical Illness Cover

This element of protection will protect you if you or your child were diagnosed with a Critical Illness of which you may not return to full health and could dramatically alter your financial situation. The cover is designed to help families cope financially should the worst happen.

The types of illnesses that are covered include Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke and many more illnesses that can leave you with permanent symptoms and disabilities. Again the purpose of this type of cover will payout tax free lumpsum which can be used to pay off debts and help with your recovery.

If you want more information then get in touch we offer free advice. 

Income Protection

Unfortunately some illnesses, accidents and injuries can leave you with permanent disabilities which may lead to you not being able to return to work. If this was to happen this type of policy would cover your income once any employment cover stops.

This is designed to make sure you are able to pay for your day to day living and lifestyle. There is nothing worse than not being able to pay your bills, mortgage or rental payments if the worst happens.

Redundancy Cover

If you are worried about what would happen should you be made redundant at work and want to make sure you have a replaceable income whilst you look for another job and still be able to pay your mortgage, rent and bills then get in touch. We can get you immediate cover.

For further information click the link below and book an appointment today.