Protect Your Business

Most companies have a business continuity plan and take out insurance to protect their assets from things like fire and theft. Many overlook the need to protect their most important assets – the people in their business – against death or critical illness.

And because many small and medium-sized businesses rely on certain key people, losing their knowledge and skills – even for a short time – can cause real problems. It could be the sales manager, whose contacts and relationships keep sales on target. Or it could be the designer on whose ideas new products depend. Without these key people the business could suffer serious financial loss or may even have to stop trading. Business protection is designed to protect businesses against the effects of losing one of their key people through death, critical illness or being unable to work through illness or injury.

You can consider cover in these areas:

  • Key person cover
  • Shareholder or partnership protection
  • Protection for a business loan

How Can We Help?

We can help put together a bespoke protection package that protects your specific business needs. Your business needs will be established by assessing your business structure & finances through profit & loss records or company accounts.

Need cover? Get in touch today!